Brown Map  
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Brown Map
img_4751b.jpeg, EXIF 31 KB JPEG image, 515 x 480 pixels

A map of brown.

The first night I was in Brown, a few days early for Honor my second year, I dropped by Tucker Lounge to find a few people. Rebecca Cullers, then a third year, drew me this map so that I would know where what was :). I think to my surpise, I found Brown wasn't a labyrinth of underground tunnels, but one tunnel with a single short split-off. And, even for Rebecca, a third year who had lived in Brown for a year or two, portals can be confused for each other :).

(While this map was given to me in August of 2001, I took this picture 2004:04:27 outside of our apartment.)

Date: 2001:08
Original: Original Image
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