Metro Express Bus Ad  
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Metro Express Bus Ad
imgb_5746b.jpeg, EXIF 16 KB JPEG image, 315 x 200 pixels

"Thanks for riding ST Express. We know you could ride a lot of other things instead. Like a riding mower. But you'd have to pay for gas and they only go like 8 miles per hour, so they're not as cool as you think. And they're loud, so it's hard to listen to music. Unless you consider the sound of shredding pinecones music. Seriously, take 5 minutes and pick up your pinecones before you mow. We're not kidding, Steve. If one of those things shoots out from your stupid mower and hits our house again, we're coming over there. Anyway, thanks for riding."
Date: 2008-07-07T08:29:59-0700
Location: Metro 545 or 242 along SR-520
Original: Original Image
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