MSR Intern Cruise  
Root Album :: tree :: Summer 2008 :: MSR Intern Cruise 21 photos

The MSR Intern cruise on Lake Washington, with Ruzica, Matt, Aaron, Erika, Arnab, Rick, and Rich Draves.

After the cruise (and several failed docking attempts before we docked at another marina) I headed over to a Google Kirkland grad student open house to hear a short talk on research in academia vs industry labs vs google. And while there, happened to run into a friend from our summer 2005 internships at Google. (But, no google photos.)

Date: 2008:07:21

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S  M  L  F
Ruzica and Me
S  M  L  F
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Gates House, 1
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Gates House, 2
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Gates House, 3
S  M  L  F
Ruzica and the Gates House
S  M  L  F
Me and the Gates House
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Gates House, 5
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Charles Simonyi's House
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Ruzica and Rainer, 1
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Ruzica and Rainer, 2
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S  M  L  F
Downtown Bellevue
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Me and Rainer
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Ruzica and Rainer, 3
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The Top Deck
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Aaron and Erika Walking
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Aaron and Erika
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S  M  L  F
The Top Deck
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