Summer Housing  
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Summer Housing
img_7414.jpeg, EXIF 234 KB JPEG image, 1280 x 960 pixels

Through my summer with Appian I lived at: Homestead Suites (1w), Vince's (1w), Selvin's new apartment (1w), Selvin's previous apartment (2w), and Khang's sister's (1month). This is a photo of my first "real" place this summer, Kang's sister's. (My room was on the top floor, with a window looking at the house to the left.)
It was great staying here, though Quyen and Bob and I rarely saw each other in the house somehow, and I learned that I-66E by the I-495 exit in the mornings is, not "fast" :).
Date: 2004-09-08T07:12:11-0400
Location: Khang's Sister's
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