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Internz List
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The email list; with 100-400 emails a day, it's only half-jokingly part of many people's summer goals to read every message :).

A message from internz:


From: Steve Kobes 
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 11:03 PM
To: Internz (Lunch & Activities)
Subject: [other] Internz Statistics


I was bored.
            Total posts since 6/3/03:        6176
            Total size:                               128,294 KB

            Top ten posters:
                        272      Matt Taylor
                        260      Sean Stanek
                        162      Huntting Buckley
                        149      Dan Sledz
                        148      Phil Crosby
                        139      Sean Jackman
                        105      Logan Marc
                        94        Ryan Cavanaugh
                        85        Jared Parsons
                        81        Steve Kobes

            Top ten threads:

138              [other] An intellectual exercise on the topic of education
(discussed: capital letters, keyboard circuitry, obfuscated C, Efnet)

107              [tech] FW: FOR REVIEW - Quake II .NET Demo!
(discussed: CLR efficiency, garbage collection, allocation conventions, precompiled headers)

106              Now that there's enough interns here, it's time for a real party.
(discussed: gender ratio, personal ads, bra sizes, pi)

102              [OTHER] Tablet vs Notebook
(discussed: mostly tablets and notebooks, actually)

94                 Liberal Schools
(discussed: Ivy Leagues, LSD, athletics, lengua tacos)

88                 [tech] Digital Video capture?
(discussed: HRESULTs, expression evaluation, garbage collection, TV cards)

84                 [Poll] Favorite sort
(discussed: functional languages, big-oh notation)

83                 Late food?
(discussed: pizza, food poisoning, the Mason-Dixon line)

79                 [Other] [movies] Pirates of the Caribbean
(discussed: fonts, tabs, void**, LaTeX)

72                 [tech] OSes of the future going in the wrong direction?
(discussed: Longhorn, user-mode drivers, robots, monkeys, ninjas, pirates, .trash)


Date: 2003:05:27 - 2003:08:17
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