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microsoft_frost_R1-024-10A.jpeg, EXIF 25 KB JPEG image, 324 x 480 pixels

Right, so not only did we explore the north west US, we interned at Microsoft too :). And interned we did, joking about skipping lunch and dinner to get in more time. They offered Chris a job (he'll be there next year), really liked Jim's work, and the CE core-os group tried to convince me to come work with them rather than go to grad school, they seemed to like us. (It was very mutual, we really enjoyed our groups and work.)
Chris likes to suggest how much the CE team liked me, for the cell phones, a CE-battered Tux (back, and front), and by constrasting the setup I had vs that of the PM intern in our group.
Pictures of us WinCE core-os interns, the networking devs, and Adam's and my PM, Jamie.
Jim, Chris, and me hanging out at a Microsoft sign.
Building 27, the home of WinCE and where I worked (and next door to the WinNT building; the path I took to work on my bike each morning), building 10 where Chris worked, and Red West where Jim was.

We don't seem to have a picture of all of us in a Microsoftish location, so I've used this photo of a chunk of the Berlin, in building 33.
Date: Summer 2003
Location: Redmond, WA
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