Olympic: Beach Two  
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Olympic: Beach Two
07_olympic__2_jim_104_0446.jpeg, EXIF 36 KB JPEG image, 640 x 427 pixels

At the end of our first day we also visited an area of beaches we had heard about, making a short hike to Beach Two, where we found an amazing sunset among the sea stacks like this one (I didn't even know of sea stacks till this trip).
Though none of us had film left, we saw a group put on an amazing display with fire and spinning sticks. We stayed long, well until after sunset, making our hike back to the car quite an adventure. Pitch black dark, we hiked back by the light of Jim's cellphone, quite terrified of someone coming after us. (But, we ended up safe :).)
Date: 2003:07:07
Event: Olympic National Park Trip
Location: Beach Two
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