Our First Weekend Trip, Mt Rainer  
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Our First Weekend Trip, Mt Rainer
02_mt_rainer_han_dsc01001.jpeg, EXIF 58 KB JPEG image, 1280 x 960 pixels

Our first weekend trip of the summer was a day trip to Mt. Rainer, where we hiked through the Thousand Year Old Forest (where we saw some enormous trees), drove up to Mt Rainer (on our way, our first shoe-skiing), and stopped by the city Paradise, from where we climbed up the ski slopes (this photo; exhausting it turns out) for some amazing shoe-skiing (Chris, Jim, and me) and beautiful views.
On our way back home, we came across a tough decision and found out just how strong air pressure is.
Date: 2003:05:31
People: Jim Van Dyke
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