Clark Taken Over  
Root Album :: tree :: School 2003-2004 :: Spring Break :: Clark Taken Over 16 photos

I was walking from the Lawn, from dinner on the corner, to back home when I saw a Clark Library with flaming pots, red-orange column tops, and a glowing inside.
It seemd either Satan had entered Clark or a secret society had taken something way too far :). I wasn't really sure if it was ok to approach.. A few other students passed by and we talked, one of them seemed to be implying someone important was there. Which might make sense, there seemed to be an undercover security car patroling the area.

After running into and talking with the person in charge of the flames and someone who had exited the building, I learned the going ons were a fundraiser for the arts and sciences. This explains several fancy cars. And the partoling car turned out to be a chauffeur driving them to their cars if they parked in front of Kerchoff. Quite a setup.

Favorite photos:
Scary: 1 and 2.
Other photos I really liked: 1, 2, and 3.

Date: 2004:03:06

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S  M  L  Orig
S  M  L  Orig
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Glowing Entrance
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All of Clark
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Dinning Table
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Entrance to the Going Ons
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Lighter of the Columns
S  M  L  Orig